Saturday, 6 June 2015


Separation   :-      In the vedic astrology Sun, Saturn and Rahu are considered as separatists. Separation are causing tension, unpleasant , difference, spouse misunderstanding due to third person, spouse in other relationship and that        family members, result may be a separation, which may be living separation. 

                                                           Lady horoscope

1.The Ascendant lord Jupiter in own house, 4th and 7th lord Mercury is in 8th house and Sun and Rahu are in conjunction may be cause of separation.Sun is under debilitation position . 
2. 6th lord is in 8th house with malefic planet due to cause of separation.                                      
  3. Venus the karka  for marriage and situated in the 7th house and malefic planets Saturn and Mars are vision ,influence on may cause separation.
          4. Rahu/ketu 1:7 position and Venus may be given separation. 
5. Sun and Rahu are closed degree may be cause separation.

1. 2nd lord Mercury is placed in 12th house may be cause separation.
2. 6th and 7th lord Saturn is in 7th house and malefic planet aspecting the 7th house may be cause separation.
3. Venus the karaka for marriage in 12th house may be cause separation.
4. Saturn is aspects on 12th lord Moon may be cause separation.
5. Sun is aspecting the Saturn and Mars is vision in the Saturn may cause separation


                 In this horoscope, the native is born in Leo sign its lord Sun. Moon sign is Scorpio its lord mars. 7th lord Saturn is posited in 11th house. Balance Maha dasha of Mercury 8years 6months. Lagna lord Sun is placed in lagna on his own sign and aspect in 7th house. 7th lord Saturn is in 11th  house aspects on 7th house. She took Is marriae in Venus- Saturn, and Ist divorce in 2003 and IInd marriage in 2007 and she has divorce during 2007. She is a sucessful in his M.B.B.S and a become a Doctor.

                                                                                                               In the horoscope, the native is born Sagittarius zodiac sign, its lord Jupiter and Moon in
Rashi is Piece its Lord Jupiter. Jupiter is posited in 12th bhava.Balance dasha Mercury 14years 6moth. Mercury in 8th bhava and Mercury is 7th,10th lord with Ketu. 6th, 11th lord Venus associated with 9th lord Sun. 2nd 3rd lord Saturn is posited in 6th house. 5th,11th lord mars is in 2nd house with Rahu.  Is marriage took in 1992. Sun- Venus aspects Mars -Rahu and Saturn on 7th house due cause of Separation or divorce. IInd marriage took during in 1999 and separation/ divorce in 2006.

Nakshatras play an important role in our life. If Venus planet is Ardra, Moola, Kritika, Jyestha Nakshatra could be ignited divorce.  Venus in krittika constellation for fear , create possibility soon after marriage.
  If 12th Lord is situated  in 7th house joined by separatist viz Rahu or ketu   possibility separation will shown.

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